TO ALL MEMBERS (and non-members)
2011 is about to be wrapped up. Yet another year - another candle on the cake. Soon we will be tearing off another page of the month that has gone by. This time round we will be throwing away the calander (the WHOLE year) away. The old diaries will be replaced with the new ones. Can you pause a little - as you throw the 'old calander' and think what the month of December 2011 and in fact the whole year has brought you. As you throw away the 'old' what do you remain with? What have you achieved that you can say 2011 brought you? As we celebrate the end of the year do we celebrate the achievements that have come with the out-going-year? What are those achievements? Which of the new year resolutions that you made have you achieved? Which have you not? and why?
As a church, can you think of what God has brought us? Can you think of what YOU have taken to the Lord? What have you done for God and the church? What have done for your fellow comgregant? Have you met all what you set up to achieve? Has it been business as usual or has there been a new revelation for you?
These are some of the questions that will help us, in reflecting the events of the past year. But something to reflect on is bear what the God says to King Solomon about his achievement as reflected in 1 Kings 9: 1 - 3. God hears our pleas and blesses our achievements.
We have observed minor achievements as the church this year. Couldnt we have done better? Yes we could have. As we close off the year we can pride ourselves for the new enegrised evangelistism group. Every Sunday morning the group visit homes of those who are sick and those who are no longer coming to church. This has proved to be a force to be reckoned with. Siyabonga maPercy Webber. I dont want to single out any individuals but to thank you as a collective.
Sunday School is up and running in our Dobsonville branch. We encourage the other two - Mofolo and Orange Farm to do
We close the year with celebration of the appointment of some of our members who holds office in Regional structures. Messrs X Ntondo and S Manganye who are the Soldiers of Christ Vice President and Chaplain respectively. Please do us proud. Mrs K Nxumalo and Mrs P Nguza whose term in office of Isililo Manyano Bomme's Regional president and additional member respectively. Ningayeki ukuwusekela umsebenzi enikhethelwe wona.
We are mindful of our sick members. We need to think of them prayerfully this Christmas period. Visit them - call them, spoil them. Amongst others are:
Mrs V Matyila (Mofolo North)
Ms V Ngqolozana (Mofolo North)
Mrs V Mothibi (Dobsonville)
Mrs S Tshabalala (Dobsonville)
Mrs Moyakhe (Dobsonville)
Mrs Siyobi (Mofolo North)
Mrs Zwane (Dobsonville)
Plans for next year:
What are yours?
We will be starting our building construction in both our branches in Soweto
To all those who will be going away for Christmas - go well. May the Almighty guide and protect you. May go and refresh and come back rejuvenate for 2012 will be THE YEAR OF ACTION. Ponder on what YOU want to do differently next year - for the betterment of your life and your spirituality. Next year is not another year, it is ACTION time.
DJ Nxumalo (Rev)
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