Monday, March 26, 2012

Percey Webber cares !!

Percy Webber members all gathered at Soweto Hospice to show love to the people who are mostly  bedridden with various illnesses.  We handed new clothes toiletry and washing detergents.   More importantly we brought the message of hope. 

We want to thank Mrs K Nxumalo (IMB President of Region and local church) as well as Mrs G Kondlo the chair person of IMB Percy Webber Comgregational church who arranged organised that the church should look outside herself in showing that we care for the people who are in dire situations.


Thanks to Soweto Hospice who opened their doors for us to share the time with them.  We also thank them for their sacrifices - caring for the sick 24/7.   May God grant you strength in all the challenges you encounter daily. 

We salute :  Madams: K Nxumalo (Pres); G Kondlo (Chairperson);  Joyce Zonele (Secretary) and E Ntondo (Treasurer)     

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